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A blog? on a webnovel site? why not.

Thursday Feb 27
outlining suuuuuckkkkssssss

I'm working on a cohesive outline for aoat instead of writing without a whole lot of direction like I was for the first bit of the first chapter. I know outlining is neccecarry if I don't want to end up quitting halfway through like I have the tendancy to do. The process is soooo tedious though... sometimes I want to just bang out the whole first act in a week and get it over with, but if I went and did that I'm pretty sure this would go down in history as the worst quality webnovel ever written. There is something I enjoy about the process of outlining though, I get to write character backstories! My absolute favourite part of writing is character development.

Some of the characters aren't as thought out as I was hoping they'd be right now, so I'm on a little bit of a crunch to get the outlining done by (hopefully) next thursday. And then try to get the first chaper posted by the second week of march at the latest. I've just gotta hope that deadline panic will kick in and I won't just procrastinate.